Tag Archives: sibling love

Random Summer Fun

I wanted to share some other things we’ve been up to with Operation: Summer Fun, but none of them are along enough for their own post. Who doesn’t love a good mishmash though?

Thanks to a Magic School Bus episode, Miles wanted to pretend to be a molecule. So, the 3 of them are being a molecule.

Thanks to a Magic School Bus episode, Miles wanted to pretend to be a molecule. So, the 3 of them are being a molecule.

Mark gave a lesson on how computers work (I don't remember WHY this happened, but I snapped a picture because it was cute).

Mark gave a lesson on how computers work (I don’t remember WHY this happened, but I snapped a picture because it was cute).

Have to squeeze in all the evening walks while we can, before the snow comes!

Have to squeeze in all the evening walks while we can, before the snow comes!


Met a high school friend of Mark’s at the Little Italy festival before she heads back to teach abroad.

Since summer is almost over, why not have ice cream for lunch one day?

Since summer is almost over, why not have ice cream for lunch one day?

Sharing is fun!

Sharing is fun!

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